Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Process Analysis

Project also can be defined from the process of the organization business process that related with the little y, from lower-level deployment of Big Y. Analysis process aim to figure out the voice of customer and set the objective to fulfill the customer need.

Process analysis can be drawn by using Tool SIPOC (Supplier – Input – Process – Output – Customer). We must clearly define what the customer is. Customer can be both internal and external. Internal customer means that part/division that use our process directly inside of organization while external are the customer outside the organization structure.

Picture D.4 SIPOC Diagram

SIPOC yet describe the detail condition of the process. To analyze more detail process we can use the process mapping. Process mapping is often referred as the lower-level of the SIPOC.

Picture D.5 Process Mapping

By detailing process use the process mapping method, the problem could be mapped and analyzed clearly. There are problems that often mapped by Process Mapping:

  1. Cases about Time

Cases of Time are shown by the cycle time of the process such as waiting, rework process, approval. We can justify whether the process cycle need to be improved or not. Cycle time will influenced with the cost.

  1. Cases about Cost

Inefficiency activities always related with the cost.

  1. Cases about Customer Needs: the gap between customer requirement and the process performance. (i.e. customer need 100 products / minutes, performance just provide 75 products / minutes)
  2. Cases about Non-Value Added Activities: Inefficiency Activities in the process such as inspection, walking, etc.

Process mapping besides shows the problems that often occur in the process, also provide us to set up the quick action plan and setup the target of improvement.

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