Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Selecting Possible X’s (Factors).

Selecting the possible X’s/possible factors, we must examine the relation effectiveness to project Y. Many tools are referred to select the possible factor from the potential factor listed. AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), tools are often used to rank the weight of importance (QFD Tools), is the one of tools that might be use to select the possible X’s if the data mostly confound with attribute data (difficult to be measured). Graph analysis is also power tools to analyze graphically of our factors characteristic. In this step, we not suggested to analyze deeply all of the factors (ex. we use trial experiment which spent high cost, etc.). We can use our historical data to supply the input of our decision to select the possible factor / possible X’s.

Screening Possible Factor / Possible X’s to Vital Factor

Selecting possible factor to vital factor can be conducted by using qualitative and quantitative method. As long as we able to collect data we could analyze it quantitatively because it is better than qualitative method. Analyzing by quantitative method has two kind of check. First, conduct graphically analysis then process it in statistical analysis. We use graphical analysis aim to justify the process easily, we able to predict the characteristic of data and analyze plot of the data. The outlook data characteristic is able to be summarized by using this method. While, statistical method provide more accurate and precision because data analyzing viewed by numerical.

To know how the possible X could be selected to vital few, either quantitative or qualitative, we must check the fluctuation of response value if possible factor are shifted or changed the value. If possible factor changed giving significant impact to the project Y; we can choose it as the vital factor. Besides that, we can also select the vital few by knowing the relationship among response (project Y) and possible factor. When its have relationship, correlation, or cause-effect its mean, the possible factor is really the factor that need to be considered as the vital factor.

Selecting Vital Factor from the possible X’s quantitatively, can be conducted by using graphical and statistical tool below.

Picture A.3 Graphical and Statistical Tools to Analyze Possible Factors

(Detail each tool can be learned from Tool Categories in this site!)

Before doing analyze of possible factors, first we must know what the type of our Data Resume. In this analyze phase, accuracy of determining or selecting vital factor is the soul of this phase. If we wrong justify our data, we have opportunity to make errors.

Analyzing possible factor can be started by analyzing the data within characteristic. Analyzing within characteristic aim to check the data distribution, outlier data, mean of data, characteristic plotting individual data, etc. by knowing this character, may we can analyze the data deeply. In example, if we have outlier data, we can analyze the causes of the outlier, and delete it if possible because outlier data will give influence of data resume which opportune to make an error decision.

After we check within characteristic of the data, now we can check data between characteristic to justify whether the possible factor is a vital factor or not. Remember; knowing a vital factor could be determined from the differences output when changing the value of possible factor, and check the relationship between factor and the response. So, sometimes to analyze accurately we need to make some trials to gain the resume data.

Detail of each tool can be learned in Tool Categories.

Qualitatively, we also can analyze the possible factor by using qualitative tools. We can use 3C Tools (Customer, Company and Competitor Analysis), SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat), 7S (Strategy, System, Structure, Skill, Staff, Style, and Shared Value), 4P-Marketing (Product, Price, Promotion and Place), Role Activity CARE (Capability, Authority, Responsibility, and Evaluation), ERRC (Eliminate, Reduce, Raise, and Create) – Blue Ocean Strategy, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) etc.

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