Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Setup Measurement Plan

Data is the voice of process. Refer to SIPOC analysis; output of our project is the Y that will be measured. Before we collect data for this Y, we must setup the measurement plan. We must decide what variables that would be measured and purpose to conduct measurement because the number of variables and measurements depend on the purpose of Data Collection.

In the example; if we want to measure the Y, decreasing visitor of the library, we must design the measurement system what variable that should be involves in our measurement system. We can drive it from 5M1E (Man – Machine – Material – Method – Money - Environment), 4P, 3C (Customer – Company – Competitor), or driven by special event or related issue, etc. by using the methods design above, we can breakdown the variable of Y’s project. Then, in each variable what gage/measurement tool that will be used, what people that must be involves in the measurement, what kind environment to conduct the measurement, what products/goods/material that should be measured, etc. We must design it to get the Resume Data of Y.

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